Thursday 7 April 2011

The 411 on the iPAD2

Satisfied Customer
Jodi-Kaye Wiggins
ID: 620025176

How does one do justice to this amaaaazing device?! the ipad 2 is extraordianary!...revolutionary!... legendary!...wait what was my point again?..oh yeah, if you are looking for a gadget that is as light as a feather while being able to perform a million and one functions, a gadget that can help you get your work done while offering entertainment at your fingertips (literally), a gadget that will captivate you for hours on end while maintaining a long battery life, then this is the gadget for you. The ipad 2 allows you to have the best of both worlds, combining the iphone and the mac laptop in one magnificent device. So if you can afford to be addicted have tons and tons of fun, go ahead and purchase the ipad 2. You'll be glad you did.

P.S - I'd like mine in pink!

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