Wednesday 13 April 2011

myPAD is iDEAL for cOlLeGe


For all our students... Y walk around with a heavy laptop, when you can carry around a device that's 3X its size and 10X its weight??
Portability is definitely a plus for the iPad 2.
We can take notes in class, do our Term Papers and any research via the internet /Safari. Don't worry about the battery life, because the iPad 2 guarantees a maximum of 10 hour battery life, which is more than what our laptops guarantee. So with our iPad2, it can basically carry us through the whole school day, without us having to run to an outlet every 5 or 6 hours! :)... sorry laptops :(...

Now, for the lovely readers like myself (and even for you who may not love reading, but school forces you to)... don't think twice about getting this device.
The iPad 2 gives us the the ability to view PDF files, Kindle books; mobile blackboard and also buy and download items from the App Store books. How amazing is this!!!! It also has the virtual bookshelf feature in the iBook apps which yes, looks like a bookshelf where we can view and select the books we want to read. And for those of us who are neat freaks... we can organize our bookshelves based on author, genre, PDFs, comics, Term Papers or simply articles for particular subject areas

Its really a good read, because just like a regular book, we can flip through it, NOTES ON KEY PASSAGES AND bookmark the pages, so we can continue where we left off :)!!. We can read one page at a time in portrait and even two by just turning the device into a landscape position.
 Addi tonally, with the Kindle, we can make highlights in the books! WOW... really awesome!

This device is like our home away from home, our away from the library, which most of us don't like anyway.

The books in the iBooks store are listed based on feature title - for example, New York Times best seller, most popular paid for books and free books as well. We can also view descriptions and ratings from other readers or browse by title, author or genre.
The font and text size with most iBooks can be changed. It also has the ability to skip through pages and chapters. There is a feature where we can touch and hold a word to "look up" in the built-in dictionary or just google it!!
Additionally, (and this is where i think most of us will go crazy), iBook has a VoiceOver Feature which is a screen reader, which yes... reads the books aloud! Cool... jus chill, eat... whatever while the iPad 2 reads to you.

For our media students, this is ideal as well since the iPad 2 has a front-facing VGA camera, we can put our journalistic practices in effect. The camera is also ideal for video chatting with our parents (mm-hmm) and our friends about homework and assignments.

Simply put, the iPad 2 is the safest and best choice for us college students. It may not be as  big and fast as a laptop, but the great number of applications are ideal for students.
Take it from Thatcher K. Asphall - "The Iron Lady"... I know quality when I "read" it!!

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